The Burma Immigration Emergency Provisions Act, 1947


3(1)    No foreigner shall enter the Union of Burma without an immigration permit issued by the Controller or by any Official authorized to issue such permits or a valid passport duly visaed or endorsed by or on behalf of the President:

4(2)    All such conditions shall be deemed to be conditions for allowing the holder of such permit or visa to enter or remain in the Union of Burma, and a breach of any of these conditions shall render the holder liable to deportation from the Union of Burma if the President of the Union so directs.

13(1)    Whoever enters or attempts to enter the Union of Burma or whoever after legal entry remains or attempts to remain in the Union of Burma in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or the rules made there under or any of the conditions set out in any permit or visa shall be punished with imprisonment for a term (which may extend from a minimum of six months to a maximum of five years or with fine of a minimum of K.1500 or with both.)

13(2)    Whoever being the carrier knowingly brings or attempts to bring into the Union of Burma any person not authorized to enter the Union of Burma shall be liable to imprisonment for a term (which may extend from a minimum of six months to a maximum of five years or to a fine of a minimum of K.1500) for ever such person brought or attempted to be brought into Burma or to both.

13(5)    Whoever assists or attempts to assist any person to enter the Union of Burma, illegally or knowing that a foreigner is remaining in the Union of  Burma in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or the rules made there under willfully assists or attempts to assist him to remain in the Union of Burma shall be punished with imprisonment for a term (which may extend from a minimum of six months to a maximum of five years or with fine of a minimum of K.1500 or with both.)

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